Autumn offer

Time for a new season. Time for free essays on the KOA V2 sonic toothbrush.

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Every toothbrush you've ever had still exists.

Several billion toothbrushes are thrown away every year. A route to the moon and back again.

That's why we have to go back to basics. When we do our best to save resources and make components recyclable, we achieve more by using less.

our bestsellers

Schallzahnbürste mit Schallwellen für die Schallzahnbürste KOA V2 von bamtoo

State of the art

Effective sound technology

Clinical studies prove the benefits of sonic toothbrushes. Up to 40,000 vibrations per minute clean your teeth effectively but gently.

discover sound


Biodegradable attachments

Plastic attachments are a thing of the past. We rely on biodegradable bamboo and organic plastic. The surface is processed and sanded to a high quality, for a pleasantly hygienic mouthfeel.

Learn more

new charging concept

8 weeks battery life

Bring KOA V2 to over 8 weeks of battery life in just a few hours via USB-C cable. Significantly faster and more resource-saving than conventional alternatives.

Recycling Schallzahnbürste

Lifetime Guarantee

Your last toothbrush

Get a lifetime guarantee on your KOA V2 with bamtoo Recharge.

  • Immediate free exchange
  • Repair instead of trash can
  • Including battery replacement

Can be canceled at any time via your exclusive customer service.

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Sustainable is also possible without compromises.

Packed with useful features. Free from complicated apps and unnecessary functions.

Bis zu 40.000

8+ Wochen

5 effektive



Ultra-leise mit
53 Dezibel

2 Stunden


1 item = 1 mangrove

By ordering from us, you are actively supporting the reforestation of Madagascar.

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From now on included

Bamboo travel case

Made from solid but lightweight bamboo wood. This is how you transport KOA V2 safely and elegantly on your next trip.

KOA V2 in comparison

Funktionen der KOA V2Funktionen der KOA V2

Funktionen MitbewerberFunktionen Mitbewerber


"Die KOA V2 kann beim Zähneputzen auf jeden Fall mit denen der Marktführer mithalten. Und das Beste: man produziert viel weniger Plastikmüll."

Andrea Ritzert, Zahnärztin

"Meine Patienten ärgern sich oft über teure Produkte, die zu schnell kaputtgehen. Nun kann ich eine super Alternative empfehlen."

Katharina Lühr, Dentalhygienikerin

"Eine Revolution der Zahnpflege."

Bernd Kunze, Autor "Zahnpflege Ratgeber"